

Resume-David Taylor


Contact Me















Thank you for visiting my web site.

I’m a dynamic “get it done” executive with both large and small company experience in Sales Operations, Technology Management, Contact Center Management, Facilities Management, Purchasing/Sourcing, and Contract negotiations.

Some major accomplishments have included……

-         Creating and managing the sales operations area for large and small companies

-         Negotiating major contracts on both the cost and revenue sides

-         Leading cost reduction and profit improvement teams to exceed goals

-         Designing and developing custom point of sales systems

-         Building sales teams to exceed goals and expectations

-         Being instrumental in taking two companies public

Some companies in my background..….

-         Retail Business Development Inc. (RBD) – Sales Operations, Technology Management, Facilities, and Contract Negotiations

-         T-Royal Partners Inc. – Sales Operations, Contact Center Management, and Technology Management

-         National Health Partners Inc. – Sales Operations, Contract Negotiations, and Contact Center Management

-         Z-Tel Communications Inc. –  Business Development,  Sales Operations, Contract Negotiations, and Sourcing

-         Delta Air Lines Inc. – Purchasing, Sourcing,  Negotiations, and Contract Services

-         General Instrument Corporation Inc. – Business Development, Proposal Management, and Contract Negotiations

-         United Technologies Inc. – Proposal Management


-         MBA Management

The link above will allow you to download my detailed resume.  

I hope you find my experience and knowledge useful to your organization.

If you should require additional information, please contact me directly.



David Taylor













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